Do you ever hear about people complaining about the bad quality of airplane food? Like-
Person#1: Awww... man the airplane food crap is total shit!
Person#2: Yeah... totes, like I thought I was gonna throw up.
Person#1: I didn't finish mine, just chucked the shit into the waste bag.
Person#3: No kidding dude... I gave mine to my dad. He eats anything.
Yeah, thats not how I usually talk, I think...
Anyways the point here is that those people are probably going on crappy western airlines like QANTAS and Jetline and Tiger Flying and the Kangaroo stars or whatever those stupid airlines are called and recieving dodgily microwaved food that was never meant to be microwaved. Whilst foods like steak and gravy and tuna pasta do indeed taste extremely scrummy, when they have been prepared in a premium non stick frying pan with fresh from the market ingredients, taste like total crap if they've been messily thrown into a
microwavaeble tin container and microwaved.
So this time when I went to Paris via the all marvelous EASTERN AIRLINES(yeah its chinese, China is AWESOME!) I was served by squinty eyed chinese flight attendants (no offence), sat in dodgy MADE IN CHINA seats, got to read Chinese magazines, had an ad for a CHINESE accountant firm stuck on my chair and WAS SERVED CHINESE FOOD. These foods unlike the sustenance on substandard European airlines had names like "Prawn noodle Curry"and "Fat Cow Rice Noodle" and "Dancing Moon Chow Mein" (No kidding, that was its real name). These foods were created by people who probably have never heard of the word nutrition and just stuffed whatever thing inside and then plopped in a bowl of noodles, followed by a entire can of oil. I've never tasted better *sighs lovingly*
So next time you look at your flight booking website and see Eastern Airlines right down the bottom of the list next to an unbelievably low price and rationalise that dodgy planes are always cheaper to make just remember the wisdom that I have imparted today and you'll be happy knowing that even if you die, you would have died having just eaten a bowl of scrumptious Dancing Moon Chow Mein (unless of course the plane crashes before dinner is served, pity on you).
-Life is whatever you make out of it.