Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Sincerest Apologies

I'm so sorry to all my adamant readers that I havn't posted in such a long time but I was very busy this holidays doing nothing.

So for those who give a damn here's an update on my life:
- I went to Thailand! Yay!
- I cut off all my long hair in my bathroom because I was feeling snazzy that day.
- I no longer feel snazzy.
- I made gingerbread men.
- My name apparently means sparkling sea.

I'll post something I promise.
Does anyone know a theme I can base my blog on because it's starting to seem really random.


  1. すごい I missed ur random posts :( haha I like my paperclips colourful and funky? And my mum says she's pretty sure my dad can pick you guys up but I'll have to ask him

  2. Merly whirly! I've missed you! Please continue blogging!!:D and i think the randomness of your blog is appropriate for you & your style in a way :D but if you really want i guess i liked your advice posts (eg. zombie, dragons) and you should post about your travels to thailand and also the europe trip! (: if you can be bothered.
